Department Initiatives 

Department Initiatives

The Culpeper County Department of Economic Development is dedicated to enhancing the economic landscape of Culpeper. Our efforts encompass the attraction of new businesses, the expansion of existing ones, providing support to small businesses, and fostering agricultural development.

Explore the diverse initiatives undertaken by the department by clicking the link below.

Be A
Culpeper Local

Be A Culpeper Local is the department’s small business outreach program, offering support for small businesses. The program also raises awareness on the community benefits of shopping locally.

In Culpeper offers a comprehensive pathway for businesses to hire employees from Culpeper County, connecting residents to available entry-level job opportunities.

Culpeper Farms

Choose Culpeper Farms highlights farms, their products, and services to the community and connects residents to agriculture organizations. The program also offers support to our ag operations.

Culpeper Harvest Days Farm Tour

The Culpeper Harvest Day Farm Tour is an annual event that allows residents and visitors to interact with and learn from a variety of farms in Culpeper County.